Honest to God Copy That Gets The Job Done

At Scon, we do one thing, and we do it well. We write high-quality, action-inspiring, word-perfect copy. On time, on brief, and at a great price.

With Scon, you get the big agency experience for small agency prices. We don’t believe in charging you bloated account management fees – we just want to make sure you’re happy with your copy. Whether it’s a website rewrite, blogs and editorial, emails, social media, brochures and pamphlets, SEO content marketing, ebooks and whitepapers, or above-the-line advertising, we promise to deliver words with maximum impact.

what makes us different

What we stand for

High Quality, at Scale

Good copy fills a page. Great copy gets the job done. At Scon, we’re obsessive over quality. Everything we deliver is guaranteed to be the highest possible standard, no matter how great the scale.

Honest Relationships

We’ve done away with account managers. Instead, you’ll deal with your copywriter directly. That makes it easier for you to ask questions, come up with ideas and discuss your messaging – all without being hassled for upsells.

Fast Turnarounds

Scon was founded by former journalists, so we understand that time is always of the essence. We work fast to ensure your brand can be on top of breaking news, whether that’s with a press release or full article.

Not just digital

Our bread and butter is in copywriting for the web. That’s where we get to show off our skills in SEO and social media. But we are media agnostic at heart. From billboards to brochures, direct response to annual reports, we can turn our hands to any job.

No Boring Copy

A simple rule. But an important one. Because what’s the point of writing something no one wants to read? We always try to push the boat out, to add a little zing, a dash of chutzpah, a whiff of “Oh my!” Even if it means challenging you, the client, to try something a bit daring.

The Extra Mile

Don’t be surprised if we overdeliver for you. We are guided by a passion for what we do, which is why we always strive to go the extra mile for our clients. We’re not just here for the money. We’re here to make a difference.

get to know us

Our friendly faces

Jonjo Maudsley

Senior Copywriter & Managing Director

Jonjo started copywriting at university, before receiving a formal education at Stratton Craig. Since then, he has completed an apprenticeship in SEO, worked a stint in the charity sector, side-lined as a travel journalist, spent a year as head of content for a major finance company, and even found time to complete his MA. Now, with 12 years’ experience, and having worked for some of biggest brands on the planet,  Jonjo heads up the day-to-day running of Scon.

Scarlett Sangster

Head of Copy & Content Strategy

As well as being an author, journalist and editor, Scarlett brings seven years’ experience as a copywriter to her role at Scon. Throughout her career, Scarlett worked with dozens of clients in almost every industry imaginable, always bringing a unique and inspiring flair to every job. With an MA in Creative Writing, Scarlett excels at getting under the skin of businesses to find incredible stories that not only makes her copy hard-hitting and effective, but engaging and inspiring too.