Thought leadership

Become a leading source of
industry knowledge.

Thought Leadership is a strategic approach to content strategy that harnesses the power of research and discovery to land on new concepts, sparking original and valuable content that sets your business apart. 

By becoming a source of innovative insights, your business can position itself as an authority in your field, attracting attention and admiration from peers and customers alike.

engage and inspire

How thought leadership works

Thought Leadership

1/ research & discovery.

Our process begins with in-depth research and discovery. We analyse your industry, target audience, competitors, and current trends to identify gaps and opportunities for thought leadership content.

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2/ Designing your strategy.

Based on our research, we design a tailored strategy that aligns with your goals and objectives. This includes determining key topics, content formats, distribution channels, and messaging tone to establish your brand as a thought leader in your niche.

3/ Content creation.

Once the strategy is finalised, our expert content creators get to work. We produce high-quality, engaging content that showcases your expertise, addresses industry challenges, and provides valuable insights to your audience.

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4/ Review and refine.

Our job doesn’t end with content creation. We continuously review and refine our strategy by keeping up with industry trends, monitoring audience feedback, and analysing SEO metrics. This iterative process ensures that your thought leadership content delivers maximum impact and generates a positive return on investment.

reaching your audience

Your content funnel

Gated research

Our strategy begins with a deep dive into a particular industry trend, consumer behaviour, or market insight, creating an e-book, whitepaper or report that your audience will be gagging to read. 

This valuable piece of research forms the foundation of your thought leadership content for at least a quarter.

SEO content

Using the theme established by our gated research we then create a consistent stream of SEO-optimised content that resonates with your target audience. 

This regular content is designed not only to boost your search engine rankings but also to establish trust and credibility among your audience, all while pointing back to your big piece of research. 

Email & social

Leveraging the power of social media and email marketing, we craft compelling bite-sized content that drives engagement and encourages sharing

Whether it’s thought-provoking infographics, captivating video snippets, or teaser articles, we create a breadcrumb trail directing existing and potential customers to your website. 

Organic growth.

Cost effective.

tried & tested.

tangible results.

What makes us different

Why choose scon for thought leadership?

We focus on organic growth, using tried-and-tested expertise to build bespoke content strategies for long-term success. 

With over 20 years’ combined experience, our results-driven approach guarantees tangible outcomes and a clear ROI, making us a cost-effective choice for high-quality content marketing that makes a real impact.