Training & Consultancy

Transform your content pipelines with strategic marketing training.

Our training and consultancy is designed to empower your business to manage content streams internally, leveraging the power of SEO and social media to gain traction and create content that delivers on your bottom line.

Unlock your potential

How our marketing training & consultancy works

Consultancy and training

1/ Getting to know you.

Our first point of call is to meet your team and see how you work. While getting to know you, we’ll be looking closely at the content pipelines you already have in place and gauging the level of marketing expertise in your team.

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2/ Identifying challenges and opportunities.

We’ll review your current working strategies, helping you identify the challenges and opportunities, so we can create some agreed targets for the future.

3/ Custom-built training.

We create and run bespoke training courses, showing your teams how to set up your new content pipeline, continually analyse its performance and ensure that future content delivers on your bottom line.

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4/ Consultancy period.

We’ll act as an interim marketing manager while your teams settle into the rhythm of content creation, providing hands-on feedback and advice so that by the time we leave, your content pipelines are running like clockwork.

What you'll learn

Harness the power of content marketing

Making content accessible.

The art of impactful copywriting often comes down to accessibility – ensuring your content can be read an understood by anyone who comes across it. That’s why our copywriting training focuses on how to craft messaging in a style and tone that feels accessible to a global audience

From messaging hierarchy, to adjusting your tone for specific audiences, we’ll leave your teams with all the skills they need to craft content that’s accessible, engaging and impactful.

Lead generation.

Your online content isn’t just about brand identity. With a proper strategy, it can also be a powerful tool for generating new leads. 

During our marketing training, we’ll teach you the foundations of SEO, email and social media marketing, and content strategy, to help you transform your content marketing pipeline into a fully function tool for lead generation.

Marketing leadership.

Through one-to-one consultation, we’ll give your content managers the tools and confidence they need to lead a performance-focused content department. 

From establishing the content pipeline, to sourcing material, setting up a publishing stream, and using informed data analysis to monitor results, we’ll leave your teams fully equipped to drive consistent and measurable success. 


Organic growth.

Cost effective.

tried & tested.

tangible results.

What makes us different

Why come to Scon for marketing training?

Our personalised approach ensures your content department is equipped with best practices and tried-and-tested strategies, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and innovation. 

With a focus on both immediate impact and long-term growth, we’ll help your team navigate the complexities of content management, adapt to emerging trends, and achieve their strategic objectives with ease. 

By partnering with Scon, you are investing in a future-proof content operation that is agile, data-driven, and primed for success.